Thursday, June 7, 2012

London-Heathrow Airport

Wow...time couldn't go fast enough!

When I think about the months just before leaving for England; I can only remember packing-unpacking-repacking my suitcase.  Struggling to hold it up in my arms while standing on a normal house-hold scale.  It was amazing how many times I thought my suitcase was light enough but was still over 80 pounds!

I had to find a creative way to cut down all my possessions for 10 months into 2 luggages.  Who knows how us Cruise-crew do it...but we never fail!

Looking over the traveling instructions and memorizing Elemis products became a daily routine.  I wanted to be prepared!

I remember my family crying and me feeling so sick.  What an exciting day!  I had traveled before...but it was my first time on such a long flight and OVER the ocean.

After everything...I find that one of the toughest parts of the travel (both times) was getting from the airport to the YMCA.  I personally found the train/bus system in England overwhelming.  Even with all the preparation packets they gave to me...I still took the wrong bus which ended up taking 3 times as long to get to Watford.

This is what the entrance of the YMCA looks like...:

From the bus station you walk for about a mile to the YMCA....which you have no idea where it is.  ASK QUESTIONS!!  You are most likely pulling 2 huge suitcases, a laptop, and the biggest purse you could find before leaving.  It's going to be the hardest walk you've ever done!  Luckily...the second time I went; I met two boys on the bus who were staying at the YMCA training at the academy as Fitness.  They carried my bags and escorted me there!  What a relief!  After a contract on board you tend to be able to pick out the "Steiners".  Like they always say onboard...

"Nothing finer than a Steiner."  :-)

The following video is on my youtube channel, LepaJessi.  It's right after I arrived in London for training the second time.  Obviously sporting THE WORST cut EVER.  I don't know what this chick was thinking when she gave me bangs that a 3 year old gives to herself.