Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Applying for Steiner...

This is the key:

Steiner recruits all around the world.  They hold specific dates for interviews at different locations around the globe.  You'll send in an application online.  Their website is great and will answer many of your questions.

Their most recent upcoming interview in the states is in March 2012 in Miami.   There may be changes, or possibly more interview dates added.

You must have the proper education for your specialty.  They employ hairdressers, beauty therapists, massage therapists, fitness trainers, nail technicians, barbers, acupuncturists, and medispa doctors.  I'm not sure if they are still hiring for receptionists, but their site says they are.

Look over the information they provide, this will answer lots of questions and begin the process of working on board!  It also makes working on the ship feel so much more like a reality.



I worked for Steiner Trans Ocean for two contracts on a total of four different cruise ships.  For those of you unfamiliar to Steiner...Huge company!  They own the spas on most cruiseliners, have land based spa all over the globe, and also own Elemis, Ionithermie, Bliss, and more.  They are extremely successful and professional.  I love that I had the chance to be incolced with their operation.  I learned a lot.  Although I chose to leave the company; I still like to share my knowledge.  I grew a lot as a person while traveling and working my ass off.  I met amazing life long friends and my wonderful lover.  Beginning to chase the dream of working at sea is intimidating, exhilarating, and full of unanswered questions!  I'd love to be able to answer some of those questions and make the majority of your experience positive and exciting.  You will take control of your dreams.  Just roll with the waves!